NOMBRES - Curiosités, théorie et usages


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Nombres en quatre langues

Nombres et quantités


Numération en anglais

Expressions avec des nombres

Faux-amis 1

Numération autres langues

Expressions en maths

Faux-amis 2

Expressions idiomatiques

Expressions business

Préfixes des nombres

Dates, la semaine prochaine …

Expressions en économie







Utilisées en mathématiques


Pour vous y retrouvez sur les sites Internet.

Et, pour ceux qui ont à travailler avec les étrangers.





autre, en remplacement

*    Another approach is to consider an alternating zeta function.



(à la fin d'un fichier)

*    Every task run will append a full backup to each machine's archive.

As much

fois plus

*    To pay twice as much (payer deux fois plus cher).


Engendrer, faire

*    Nine nines beget eighty-one, eight nines beget seventy-two... seven nines beget sixty three, etc. two ones beget one (Table de multiplication façon chinoise)

By the way (BTW)

Au fait, à propos

(Savez-vous que)

*    By the way, the above mentioned case ...

Concerned with

s'intéressant à

*    Traditionally, number theory is that branch of pure mathematics concerned with the properties of integers and contains many open problems that are easily understood even by non-mathematicians.

Consider the equation

soit l'équation

*    Consider the equation: 2x – 1 = 0



*    Current data  (les chiffres actuels).

Data est déjà un pluriel, donc pas de s (singulier latin: datum)

Actuel ne se traduit pas par actual qui est un faux ami

Expressible as

exprimé par

*    Every positive integer is expressible as a sum of, at most, 19 biquadratic numbers.

Fall into

appartenir à

*    Division algorithms fall into two main categories: slow division and fast division.


au hasard

*    At first sight the primes seem to be distributed among the integers in rather a haphazard way (also random).



*    A large number of people.

*    A high proportion.

*    A substantial amount.

*    A significant rise.

*    A major issue.

*    Fast Growth.



*    Children's opinion are as important as adults ones.

*    Children's opinion matter as much as adults ones.



*    There are an infinite number of zeroes.

It figures

That figures

C'est logique.

Ça me parait logique

*    It figures. If there's artificial intelligence, there's bound to be some artificial stupidity.

Good at figures

Bon en maths

*    Littéralement "bon en nombres"

May be said to

on peut dire que

*    The theory of congruences may be said to start with Gauss's "Disquisitiones".

Of the form

de la forme

*    Number of the form 2n - 1 also attracted attention because it is easy to show that if unless n is prime these number must be composite.




*    A biquadratic number is a fourth power, n4



*    The relationship between the zeta zeroes and the prime numbers is not immediately obvious.

Resolve to factors

décomposez en facteurs

*    Resolve the left-hand side of this equation to factors.



*    If an equation has the shape ax + b = c = 0

Solve the equation

résolvez l'équation

*    Solve the equation: 2x – 1 = 0

Such that

tel que

*    More formally, for every positive integer n there exist non-negative integers a,b,c,d such that n = a² + b² + c² + d²

That (¹which)

Qui (obligatoire pour le sens)

*    Twenty-four is the cardinal number that is the sum of twenty-three and one.

To allow for

tenir compte

*    The previous definition of square root did not allow for square root of negative numbers.

To be equal to zero

être égal à zéro

*    It is possible for either the real or imaginary part to be equal to zero by itself.

To be interested in

s'intéresser à

*    The mathematicians of Pythagoras's school were interested in numbers for their mystical and numerological properties.

To be represented

être représenté par

*    A figurate number is a number which can be represented by a regular geometrical arrangement of equally spaced points.

To behave

se comporter

*    We can have different expressions for the zeta function, but they all behave the same.

To boil down

revenir à

*    The whole scenario boils down to a waveform that travels along the s = 1/2 line.

To come to be known as

devenir connu en tant que

*    Fermat proved what has come to be known as Fermat's Little Theorem.

To conjecture


*    In one of his letters to Mersenne, Fermat conjectured that the numbers 2n + 1 were always prime if n is a power of 2.

To denote


*    If we denote by nmin the smallest number n such that ...

To devise

inventer, imaginer

*    In about 200 BC the Greek Eratosthenes devised an algorithm for calculating primes called the Sieve of Eratosthenes.

To equal


*    Then, equalling each of them to zero.

To express


*    We have found a new method for expressing the original zeta function.

To find the zeros

trouver les zéros

*    Finding the zeroes of the zeta function is a complex task, and requires numerical techniques.

To handle

traiter, appréhender

*    The zeta equation is very difficult to handle.

To keep -ing

ne cesser de

*    Petrol prices keep increasing (le prix de l'essence ne cesse d'augmenter).

To lie

se trouver

*    It is also known that 40% of the zeroes do lie on this line.

To represent


*    Essentially, psi(x) represents the number of primes and prime powers less than x.

To show that

montrer que

*    Euclid also showed that if the number 2n - 1 is prime then the number 2n-1(2n - 1) is a perfect number.

To state

affirmer, formuler

*    Lagrange's Four-Square Theorem states that every positive integer can be expressed as the sum of at most four squares.

To sum to

dont la somme est égale à

*    A perfect number is one whose proper divisors sum to the number itself.

Tournure passive

il y a

*    65% of British people are in favour of … ( il y a 65% de Britanniques  qui sont pour …)



*    The following table gives the numbers which can be represented in n different ways as a sum of k squared numbers.


si (alternative)

*    Methods of checking whether numbers are prime.






*       Anglais pour parler des affaires, du commerce et de la technique

*       Dates et durées en anglais

*       Expressions avec des nombres

*       Expressions utilisées en maths


*       Chinois

*       Débutants

*       DicoCulture

*       DicoMot des maths

*       DicoNombre

*       Étymologie

*       Glossaire

*       Humour

*       Jeux de lettres et de mots

*       Langues du monde

*       Langue et linguistiqueIndex

*       Lettres

*       Mots d'esprit

*       Origine français


*       HYPERDICTIONARY - Définitions et  thésaurus anglais

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